Short stories with moral lessons.
I took a creative writing class in college. Here I have posted one of my assignments. take a simple popular story and rewrite it into a long version, adding your own ending.
A little bird was flying south for the winter. She was not a very experienced flyer as she was kicked out of the nest much too early to learn anything about the ways of the world.
Being so naive, she barely notices a storm approaching behind her. Suddenly it was so cold the bird’s wings began to freeze, she was quickly losing any ability to navigate, and she attempted to land, but fell hard to the ground into a large field. She just laid there dazed and confused.
The Bull felt the storm coming too and confidently retreated to the woods for shelter, with all the other bulls. As the storm passed and the sun came back the bull moseyed back to the field to graze.
The little bird was still struggling to find warmth from the sun to melt her frosty wings. She did not have the tough hide of a bull, her feathers were fragile. She was abruptly startled by the hoof of the bull as he past too close to her. Trying to work through her panic attack, the bull took a huge dump right on top of her.
The bird quickly went from panic mode, to righteous indignation. She thought she would be crushed to death and before she could catch her breath, she was shit on, the sense of injustice was overwhelming.
Normally she was quite peaceful, but wallowing in bullshit made her angry. Her anger emerged from the depths of her upbringing, which forced her to use all her might to escape this overwhelming injustice forced upon her. As she struggled and squirmed, she failed to notice the warmth of the bullshit weighing her down and disturbing her peaceful environment.
As she emerged from the top of this resentful pile of bullshit, she flapped her wings at the thought of flying free again. A few flecks of bullshit were stuck to her wings, so she rested a while and began to peck and primp her feathers.
She heard a door open and slam from the nearby farmhouse, but ignored it. Wrapped in her anticipation of another peaceful flight for the day. From the door emerged a tomcat, who quickly noticed her soft singing and chirps.
He crouched down to spy, and then began to slowly but steadily creep closer to her. He stopped close, his hind legs quivering, ready to pounce. The little bird, flapped her wings again this time with renewed strength, as she was enjoying the warm sunshine, then without warning the cat pounced.
Again, she was in a struggle to survive, she burst free but could not fly for one wing was broken. Falling again, getting barely in flight to suffer another blow. She began to crawl as she was hit repeatedly by sharp claws who wanted to possess her.
Finally, she made it to a low growing bush. Now her attacker, cunning and proud began to pace around her barrier, wanting to get in, intent on keeping her trapped. He noticed her beauty, his obsession to devour her, caused him to growl and hiss.
She assessed her situation, her mind spinning into survival mode. The bush was covered with berries so she knew she would not starve. If the storm returned she would be sheltered. Days passed into weeks, as she intently focused on her surroundings now. She learned quickly as she began to heal, that there are warning signs of impending danger. When doors opened and slammed, here came the devious cat. Not really, hungry, but his nature was pure. He just wanted to claw her and tear her apart.
Rested and healing from enormous trauma, listening hard, analyzing intently she knew the exact perfect moment would come soon. When she felt the timing was right, she emerged from sanctuary and took flight. She stumbled a little, but with renewed strength she, began to rise above it all. Her broken wing although healed, was now a bit crooked. It forced her to fly cautiously and be more aware of the surroundings, this was starting over again.
The moral here is much different in my version than the original. In the original version, the cat ate the bird and the story ended there.
In my version, the bird becomes the survivor no longer the victim. She continues to fly free upon a broken wing, forever cautious of approaching storms, piles of bullshit and the predators.
Without my Medical Marijuana I feel myself drifting far back into the past. So I will discuss the past, get it off my chest as I toke on this bong. Now an outsider looking in, never to be caught again
To Be Continued; stop for a song if feel it is apropos:
Starting this one with a song:
Willie Nelson, Angle flying to close to the ground
Without my Medical Marijuana I feel myself drifting to far back into the past. So I will discuss the past, get it off my chest as I toke on this bong. Now an outsider looking in, never to be caught again
From this morning before getting royally toasted:
Imagine if you will, your entire life form strapped to an action plane, attached by a chain, flying in a spiral around a central axis is the only path the plane can fly. Never free to soar over the shores like a bird in flight. Never realizing your own dreams or ambitions is stifling. Spinning the same circles of bullshit year after year, is exhausting, I lost eh energy to fight to preserve myself.
I can generally find that “little things” make a spark in my brain the most. Then I focus on them intently as the hours slip by. I try to create a dazzling graphic that can express the same idea, without words. Sometimes I can drift over into left field with a graphic and then have to save it, but creating it etched is into my brain, so I know I will come across something here, your words my friends, that will touch to go through my memory of files. It is very satisfying for me to join word and pictures that can depict the same meaning.
As we grow old, memories become lost and I think this has become a blessing. However, there are moments I have regrets and memories of the past cloud my day.
My biggest regret is the weakness within myself, when I loved another soul. I only looked for love in the wrong place once, which resulted in a very bad marriage and three children, who for the most part I would do anything to please. That did go well for me either. Living within the squalor, my first husband provided for me and his children resulted in a very dysfunctional environment for all of us.
Dazzle me with blinding brilliance, Bend my mind. ALTERNATIVELY, Baffle me with bullshit, Fuck with my head. Everyone expected the world from me, so they pushed at me. They steam rolled me through my childhood.
What prevents me from speaking the truth with a smile? Under their control, I was eager to please, emotionally constipated people who do not really give a shit. Rampant Personality Disorders Narcissists, Sociopaths, Hoarders, Thieves, Liars, and Hypocrites.
How many narcissists does it take to change a light bulb? (a) Just one -- but he has to wait for the whole world to revolve around him first.
Personality Disorders are defined by experiences and behaviors that differ from societal norms and expectations. The theory and diagnosis of personality disorders stem from prevailing cultural expectations, egotistical morons who care more about what can be seen on the outside, however never willing to look deep into their own soul for acceptance.
Inflexible, rigid, narrow minded. Paranoid people, unforgiving, and prone to angry or aggressive outbursts without justification because they perceive others as unfaithful, disloyal, condescending or deceitful. One needs only to Exam their behavior, they assume everyone has the same personality default that they do, that is why they are presumptuous and quick to accuse.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorders. Compulsive personalities are conscientious and have high levels of ambition, but they also strive for perfection. Never satisfied with their achievements, people with compulsive personality disorder take on more and more responsibilities. They are reliable, dependable, orderly, and methodical, but their inflexibility often makes them incapable of adapting to changed circumstances. It is there way or the highway.
OMG give me some medication, what have I inherited from my dysfunctional ancestors. Much scarier how could I have bred into an entire clan of people displaying a completely new set of dysfunctional behaviors. For this, I have forgiven myself, as I was barely a teenager, when my first child was born, from a relationship with a much older babysitter, provided by my Father. It is unacceptable to me that a father could put is young daughter, in such a precarious situation. He was a full-blown Narcissist and his needs came first.
Analyzing the new family I had married into at age 15, after my first daughter was born, I saw similar unique qualities of dysfunction. Call me judgmental if you will. Believing in our heart that we Love someone, makes us stick around way too long in hopes that we can change them into nice people or that situations will change and make life less complicated. However, in reality they change who we should have been.
Judgmental people like to stick around, so that they can backbite others. An analytical person works hard at trying to sift through the bullshit, to get a proper perspective. Nevertheless, if it becomes too deep, escaping becomes very difficult.
I found a version of a story a long long time ago. It touched me and I had to rewrite for a creative writing class in college (back when we used typewriters, not computers). I began to keep a copy of it
I consider myself to be, a sensitive, gifted individual, who was tortured in her upbringing, by the depraved mythology of her family ancestry, and the hubris of oblivious people in positions of dominance. Parents are supposed to protect their children from harm, but what if they are the harm? I became one very brave individual who has escaped from Obscurity to tell her story.
My goal in sharing, my ridiculous and obnoxious life events, thus far, with you is that somewhere within these words if you can relate to any of it, do not be baffled by the bullshit for the sake for love. If love is blind then a bright light would be comforting, so be dazzled by brilliance and then maybe love will not let you down as it has done for me. You cannot get back one second wasted on a lost cause.
I tried to fit into their mold; it always became an uncomfortable restricting feeling. I make mistakes and do dumb things. There is no right or wrong way of living this wondrous journey called life.
They thought I was clueless as I did them. Materialism, Reluctantly Clueless, and unforgiving individuals, who only ant to possess me, not love me. I am convinced that true love can only exist when two people can agree with what love is. There are so many different interpretations of what love should be. If we cannot agree on what love is, how would we expect to agree on anything else. The relationships become a constant battle for dominance.
After my son passed away, I was totally sucked back into my family. It was a time in my life when all emotion had been suck out of my heart and I could barely breathe. I was shuffled around like an abandoned dog.
The dangers of staying in a place that is an immoral realm lacking verbal communication, in a useless reflection, could not be quantified. Therefore, boredom overshadows sophistication with such dynamic analysis of a sequence of data. Confident that you may sit in judgment of your exploration will unavoidably result in having an effect on the affect on our own personality and mental health. Yes, it has taken decades to break those chains that bound me. I am free and I want you to also feel free to be yourself. Having a relationship, with a mother, father, sister, brother, marriage or lover, should never stagnate your creativity, mental and physical ability to function. It is enough to make you feel worthless, afraid and tapped.
When I left for the very last time, in 1996, I waited until I was about 500 miles down the Highway, to mail off postcards for each and every one of them. Each with the same wording. It was sarcasm of course.
Here is a synopsis of my postcard; I wanted to thank you all for everything you did for me and to me. It has made me the person I am now and gave me the courage to fly like an Eagle. As I look into my rear view mirror of this new adventure, I know I have taken many life lessons with me. Always remain who you are and I am on a journey to become myself. ♥GG