I woke up in a fairly happy mood, was in the middle of creating some artwork for my Face book page and creating a group:
Marijuana Art-Creative Juices by GanjaGoji
Medical Marijuana Patients United
One of my daughters from Missouri calls me every morning, which is nice to know someone cares. She is the only one left from my past that has not alienated me or died off.
As I began to share what I had been doing with my time on this fine morning, she interrupted me and blurted out " I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR OR TALK ABOUT DOPE. OMG I was speechless.
I argued the point that Marijuana is not DOPE, I have a legal prescription. Then I just shut up, I am of the belief that keeping it simple goes a lot farther than ranting. I say my piece and then shut up, because the next one to talk Looses.
However my mind was Ranting, as I glanced over at my bong wanting desperately to hit that to calm down. I thought about what I should say;
Like hello young woman you have quite a shady past, your friends and your son are DOPERS. I always tell her "you are who you hang with". Your son' Baby MaMa is a Meth Tweeker and much much more. Ok stop the head banging... <~~ I did not say any of this
Not saying anything, the time of silence between us on the phone was becoming uncomfortable. I want to just hang up on her. I am being judged now by another daughter of mine, who are both hypocrites.
She spoke first and I can not even tell you what she said, however it was an attempt to change the subject. Does she know how she just stabbed me in the heart. I think NOT.
She suggested that we hang up which I did abruptly. Now this is some serious bullshit to deal with. She knows of my relationship with her sister and she knows how hard it is to deal with the death of her brother. She also knows about my physical disabilities.
Torn from my soul:

I can not comprehend this attitude. If there is an Herb that can cure what is the problem, especially if it is LEGALLY PRESCRIBED.
I opted for an anti-anxiety medication, as my bony old fingers dug inside the prescription bottle for that little blue pill, I wanted to just break down and cry. Again I am being forced to make a choice.
I have a new motto and put it on a graphic yesterday: I am not here to fit into your world, I am here to build my own world called: Survival
I watched some television and fell asleep because of the medication I took, a wasted day in my life allowing someone to take me down emotionally and mentally because of my choices. Maybe not a wasted day, but a stolen day. Make me choose you loose.
Woke up early this morning and hit Google for Medical Marijuana information. Many people are Bigots and not in tune with what is happening out here in the real world. I refuse to defend myself to my daughter she is over 40 years old, she can stay stuck in her bias attitude and loose me. Oh and by the way after our conversation she posted on her Facebook page "What a beautiful day" WTF
Here is what I came up with to defend myself for my choice to became a Medical Marijuana patient and put it all in one graphic:
18 Legal Medical Marijuana States PLUS:District of Columbia
- 1. Alaska
- 2. Arizona
- 3. California
- 4. Colorado
- 5. Connecticut
- 6. DC
- 7. Delaware
- 8. Hawaii
- 9. Maine
- 10. Massachusetts
- 11. Michigan
- 12. Montana
- 13. Nevada
- 14. New Jersey
- 15. New Mexico
- 16. Oregon
- 17. Rhode Island
- 18. Vermont
- 19. Washington
Pending Legislation to Legalize Medical Marijuana
- 1. Illinois
- 2. Minnesota
- 3. New Hampshire
- 4. New York
- 5. Ohio
- 6. Pennsylvania
- 7. Missouri
JUST CAME ACROSS THIS... Jobs for starving artists ... no drug tests! :) Read about it for free now. ... If you know an artist please share this with them. :). www.SativaMagazine.com OR Stavia Magazine E-mail <michael@sativamagazine.com>
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