Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kinetic Energy

Kinetic Energy

Like an old tree, sitting high a top a hill. 
Potential energy, my aging body has lost its will

Wondering the dark fearful of the dawn’s surprise. 
Impending doom waits with every sunrise

Traveling to the depths of my heart, with a heavy sigh, 
Reflections of two souls converged, him and I

Emotions lingering weighing me down. 
Yet my feet are barely touching the ground.

Expressing trauma hidden here, for readers engaged. 
Released in my Art, made public when it is paged

The eyes of truth watching, who are you and who am I. 
Within my pages, energy kinetic potentially reaches the sky

I follow a path less journeyed, holding to my resilience. 
Will the un-shattered parts of me make all the difference? 

Like a mighty tree, in fierce winds ready to crack. 
From all of this there is no finding my way back.

On life our differing analysis of what is true. 
Within their realm, my heart and soul never grew

Of breaking what binds me, I am no longer afraid. 
I would cease to exist if I continued their charade

Endeavoring to unify time and space. 
I am now fettered in this beautiful place.

Gaining momentum through Art, blurring the line. 
Energy expressed may be a difficult concept to define

From my hand kinetic energy, my mind always in motion. 
Thoughts travel creating all sorts of commotion

With technology harnessed as my way to release. 
Like minds extremely keen, urges to chatter or preach.

Moving forward through graphics and rhyme. 
Without energy, there would be nothing, not even time. 

Through visual expression, there is a meager attempt at aesthetic. 
Sometimes beautiful or maybe unnerving is my expressions Kinetic©1996 -2030 
Ganja Goji Graphics© 
SLP Graphics© 

Thus far, past my thirty-day mark in Medical Marijuana therapy, I believe other People with PTSD could benefit from the influence of this Herb. If you call me a “Pot Head or Druggie” I am going to become very defensive and could go verbally ape shit on your ass.

As with any medication, be it prescription pain or anti-anxiety meds or now Marijuana, no one should be under the influence when there are chores to get done. On days, I know I have to get into my car, drive and mingle with the general population I do not use Medical Marijuana.

Not only should the driving under the influence Laws be kept in tack they should be elaborated on. As with alcohol consumption, being under the influence of any mind-altering substance, including many prescriptions that may cause us to be distracted from reality, especially Xanax needs to be monitored by patients. Thank God, I am no longer taking this drug, but it almost killed me.

“PTSD isn’t about what’s wrong with some one; it’s about the Trauma that happened to that person.” - 

The label itself indicates that there was a trauma. After the trauma, there was damage. The damage caused stress. Stress manifests itself in many different ways; depressions, moodiness, dissociate disorders, Flashbacks, Hopelessness, difficulty concentrating, Being easily startled or frightened, reliving the traumatic event, physical illness and sleep disorders, just to name a few.  

With me, it is the middle of the night 2:30 am to be exact. This was not my first life trauma, it was one of dozens and it took the cake on October 14, 1996, when 7:30 am the shock struck me like a bolt of lighting shot a hole through my heart. The details of the story may be displayed here each day. I have it written out in my journals, so it is just a matter of copy/past.

Having PTSD has taught me many things about life, family, my people and myself in general. Everything before PTSD seems trivial and insignificant. Many lessons I learned after PTSD astounded me because life situations never turned out the way I thought they would and that often burdened me even more tribulations. I found myself in constant Turmoil with everyone. The trauma, did not affect them, they were not there and just knowing it happened did not change their attitudes. They were who they were, unaffected with no compassion for the abrupt changes in Me.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is not contagious. I did contract it because I did something like have unprotected sex with a pimp, get drunk and lay in the gutter covered in vomit. I have never snorted cocaine in the back alley. My crime, which really was not a crime at all, was that I LOVED my son and could not bear the thought that he was dead. 
My soul, my brain and my body snapped as I took one breathe into my lungs, held it as long as I could, I knew on the exhale of that breath, I would totally lose my sanity. Forever damaged as if I had been struck in the head with a bullet.

Looking back, I can see how hard I fought facing it and how much I wanted to stay in the dark about the bottom line truth of it all. It is human nature to try to protect ourselves when the truth is too painful. When we are children, it is much easier to cope by not thinking about the trauma. Children have an uncanny ability to love in spite of trauma and can just “block it out”. 

There has been a terribly negative response from people in my life, especially from family, as I attempted to face the facts and the truth about that traumatic event. When I tried talking to my parents, my siblings, or other relatives: These people, who are close to me worked hard to convince me that my issues are better, not dealt with.  I was encouraged by many to let it go, leave the past in the past, put it behind you and the worst one “get over it”.

The only way to deal with PTSD, is to face and validate the truth about the trauma and quite often that includes facing facts that my parents let me down many time before why should this had made a difference. My emotional needs were neglected or even ignored; as far back as I can remember, around the age of three. Losing a grandson was not going to affect who they were. They attended the funeral out of respect, and walked away un-scathed by this tragedy. If I cannot see what you see, I cannot have the feeling you expect from me.

Then I seriously dug deep into myself, and I remembered them. Remembered why I steered emotionally clear of them years prior to the Trauma.

As I watched my elderly father, sitting on a pew, at the funeral, I could not read glimpse of emotion in his eyes, on his face. Stoic, emotionless, cold hearted, materialistic man. I remembered that look on his face, for I had felt it many times.

Sometimes it felt worse than the trauma, when I knew I had to face the reality, that according to their actions, they never even love me. Sometimes facing some truths is more painful than the trauma itself was. My family was so impatient with me whenever I even hinted at the past. They never talked to me they always talked at me.

I know who you are Daddy, now dead and gone. You were the one who stood by and allowed un-imaginable atrocities imposed upon your children by their Mother, for me it was birth until 12 years.

The first time I really looked at his face, in realization that he would never be my hero, my comforter, or safe haven was at about three years old. I know I was little, because my mother had me stand on a stool to reach the kitchen sink to wash the dishes. She always stripped me down to my underwear because I would get my clothes wet, and that enraged her.

I had to have permission to get off the stool, it was somewhat tall for me to climb down from and several times, I had fallen because, as Mommy put it, I was a clumsy brat. Therefore, she would lift me down to avoid another trip to the hospital. One morning while everyone slept, I was awakened to do my chores before breakfast could be served. I must be quiet and not wake up anyone else. I had to go to the bathroom, but talking was not allowed. Oh, I hated making decisions, no matter what I chose there would be consequences if I got caught.

I chose to climb down, I would be careful so as not to fall. Before I could make it to the bathroom, I soiled my pants. A bowl movement, how could I fix this disaster? I decided to try to take care of it myself, wash out my panties in the bathroom sink; I could hardly reach, even on tiptoes. I found clean underwear, stuffed my soiled underwear into the bottom of the laundry basket, and went back to washing the dishes.

Mommy noticed the different under pants I was wearing. A conversation revealed my mistake, now enraged she ordered me to bring my soiled underwear to her. Without warning she rubbed them in my face, she threw me onto the bed, buried my face in the soiled panties, and beat the holy crap out of me [pardon the pun]. My body ripped of the bed and carried to a corner of the kitchen, with my face pressed against the wall, sitting with my legs folded. Here I would stay the rest of the day.

Of course the commotion woke the rest of the family, who passed by me off and on throughout the day. I listened behind me during meal times. I turned once at the sound of my father’s footsteps, pleadingly I spoke his name: Daddy. He told me to shut up, turn around; your mother is the boss. I went numb with the realization that this man would never have my back. 

The blank look on his face, 40 years later at the funeral of his first-born grandson, was the same look I saw back then. Here too he would not have my back.

I had been dismissed; I had been shushed; I had been ignored; No one ever said to me “oh honey, I am so sorry that happened to you. It must have been frightening for you. It must have been a nightmare.  Is there anything I can do?” 

The reactions I did covertly communicated to me that I was a failure, unable to deal with what Life dishes out. Somehow, I was the one that was repulsive and disgraceful. No one held me if I cried. I found no one who felt soothing to my soul, not even the ones who claimed they glorified God. 

Not one validated that something out of the ordinary happened; Mothers were not supposed to have children die at any age. So there I was with this unresolved trauma (a post traumatic stress) and I was being told that I needed to let it go “just get over it”. 

Leave this in the past without even a few suggestions on how I might go about doing that. All of it was shoved under the carpet and ignored. However, I have to now cope with all of the traumas, leading up to the one that took the cake. 

I had to go on living with the trauma and the wounds that had been inflicted on me for the sake of Love. The damage was there and it was not going away. I was left trying to figure out a way to comprehend why no one seemed to think that I was important or valuable enough to give some validation or assistance to grieve a tremendous loss. 

I had to figure out why I was not loved enough to be worth that safety. In this is post traumatic stress disorder. My depressions were seen as a weakness.  When I finally had to take medication just to get through a day, it was viewed as the proof of my insignificance as a person and proof that I had always been the problem in their life.  Conceived unwanted and by love. 

No one was ever going to consider that one invalidated difficulty after another from as young as I can remember was at the root of my inability to Cope now.  I was different, I did not possess the ability to be emotionally numb, and obviously, this talent does not flow from DNA during conception. 

No one considered that my issues may have been due to a lot of post traumatic stress disorders that have plagued me on and off for more than 40 years.  No, they just saw me as weak. Too weak to cope with life on life’s terms, Shit happens. They saw me as too weak to deal with all. I was forced to remain with these people oppressed by the bloodlines that surrounded my existence. Like vultures on prey. It took me another fifteen years to physically and emotionally distance myself from them.

I felt my world crumble that day.  I write, “Emerging from broken soul” because they were wrong. I have moved forward, accepting that this is something I will never get over 

I do not think that the writers meant to suggest that abused children could have done things better so that we were not abused, that is the way that I heard it. I had been raised with the belief that I could have done better and that if I was better or more worthy: I would not have been ignored, dismissed, or even abused in the first place. 

It was as I faced the trauma that I became mentally healthy. It was when I found out that it was what had happened to me that caused me to struggle with life on life’s terms, the healing began.

I am finding understanding and compassion within myself. When I began to comprehend the magnitude of what a plethora of traumas caused me to believe about myself. I then validated that those beliefs were lies told by those who claimed love for me and imposed on my life. They were all evil incarnate.

I have found hope for freedom from depressions and post traumatic stress disorders. This morning was a bad one. I shot out of bed at 2:30 am, the time of death listed on my son’s death certificate. I was drenched in a cold sweat, shivering, angry and extremely thirsty. As I drank mango juice, straight from the carton, I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. “Leave me alone”.

They haunt me, so I made coffee and Began to indulge in some Medically prescribed Cannabis. I went to work on some art. Here I am almost eight hours later, having written the thoughts that spew from my brain.

Everyday I am able to change few more of the lies that suck away at my worth and self esteem. 

I am hopeful that I will be able to repair the damage and reclaim my worth and my value. I will not be able put stress behind me until I deal with the damage that traumas have caused. 

I have been severely sleep disturbed due to PTSD now since October 14, 1996. Along the way, it was a serious issue feeling sleep deprived. Here now back out West I have discovered the Siesta. Night terrors do not seem to plague me while sleeping in the middle of the day.

I enjoyed this time with you; maybe I pulled you into my world a little, maybe not. However, remember this I am no longer here to fit into your world. I am here dreaming to build my own new world. Dreams are deceiving, Like faces are to hearts. They are sweet relieving when fantasy and reality lie too far apart.

In the middle of the night miserably awakened by night terror, I found a word “Kinetic and this is where it lead me today. Now royally toasted, no real chores to do, feeling no pain and not sweating the small stuff just for today ♥GG

Monday, July 22, 2013

Just Dreaming Not Sleeping

I had some time to reach inside myself this morning, before heading out to mingle with society. I have a Dr appt with his PA. I actually look forward to those visits. It is always a pleasure to speak with Edith. Sometimes I dump and purge on her, but being a PTSD sufferer it is a blessing to have a person in life that will allow me to do so.

Then there is this huge chore I have to do afterwards, which is Grocery Shopping grrr. Too much work. I only go once a month because I am agoraphobic, which the Medical Marijuana seems to be helping me with that. The whole ritual of getting ready to leave the house usually fills with me with tremendous anxiety at the thought of dealing with the "Public".

Normally I would have had a bad night and then woke too early and stressed myself to much. Some negative situations in my realm have worked themselves out, maybe I will write about them sometimes, [maybe not does not seem worthy of my time to rehash them at this time] but for now I am in a very good mood.

Of course everyone know not to medicate and drive RIGHT!. Therefore I can not tribute my good mood to toking a bowl. I do however believe that Marijuana has residual affects that linger much longer than a chemical prescription, for both physical and psychological illnesses.

My experience so far over the past two decades of seeking medical help, is that I know I do not want to be taking addicting medications on a regular basis. I want to use it when I feel it is needed. And my biggest fear is addiction, so I am not Marijuana Medicating on a daily basis either. 

Ok gotta go start this day, here is where my mind wondered off to this morning, thinking about the relief of a negative force that has left my life, hopefully for ever.

Just Dreaming Not Sleeping. Imagination & Day Dreams. The mind is potent in finding Nirvana: [An ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy.] Where there is life, there is hope. Where there is hope, there are dreams. Vivid dreams repeated become goals. The future belongs, to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. I found this place in the recesses of my mind before the sun came up today. Thank -you for your support; Follow me google+ 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Chillaxing Saturday July 20,2013

Short stories with moral lessons.

I took a creative writing class in college. Here I have posted one of my assignments. take a simple popular story and rewrite it into a long version, adding your own ending.
A little bird was flying south for the winter. She was not a very experienced flyer as she was kicked out of the nest much too early to learn anything about the ways of the world.

Being so naive, she barely notices a storm approaching behind her. Suddenly it was so cold the bird’s wings began to freeze, she was quickly losing any ability to navigate, and she attempted to land, but fell hard to the ground into a large field. She just laid there dazed and confused.

The Bull felt the storm coming too and confidently retreated to the woods for shelter, with all the other bulls. As the storm passed and the sun came back the bull moseyed back to the field to graze.

The little bird was still struggling to find warmth from the sun to melt her frosty wings. She did not have the tough hide of a bull, her feathers were fragile. She was abruptly startled by the hoof of the bull as he past too close to her. Trying to work through her panic attack, the bull took a huge dump right on top of her.

The bird quickly went from panic mode, to righteous indignation. She thought she would be crushed to death and before she could catch her breath, she was shit on, the sense of injustice was overwhelming.

Normally she was quite peaceful, but wallowing in bullshit made her angry. Her anger emerged from the depths of her upbringing, which forced her to use all her might to escape this overwhelming injustice forced upon her. As she struggled and squirmed, she failed to notice the warmth of the bullshit weighing her down and disturbing her peaceful environment.

As she emerged from the top of this resentful pile of bullshit, she flapped her wings at the thought of flying free again. A few flecks of bullshit were stuck to her wings, so she rested a while and began to peck and primp her feathers.

She heard a door open and slam from the nearby farmhouse, but ignored it. Wrapped in her anticipation of another peaceful flight for the day. From the door emerged a tomcat, who quickly noticed her soft singing and chirps.

He crouched down to spy, and then began to slowly but steadily creep closer to her. He stopped close, his hind legs quivering, ready to pounce. The little bird, flapped her wings again this time with renewed strength, as she was enjoying the warm sunshine, then without warning the cat pounced.

Again, she was in a struggle to survive, she burst free but could not fly for one wing was broken. Falling again, getting barely in flight to suffer another blow. She began to crawl as she was hit repeatedly by sharp claws who wanted to possess her.

Finally, she made it to a low growing bush. Now her attacker, cunning and proud began to pace around her barrier, wanting to get in, intent on keeping her trapped. He noticed her beauty, his obsession to devour her, caused him to growl and hiss.

She assessed her situation, her mind spinning into survival mode. The bush was covered with berries so she knew she would not starve. If the storm returned she would be sheltered. Days passed into weeks, as she intently focused on her surroundings now. She learned quickly as she began to heal, that there are warning signs of impending danger. When doors opened and slammed, here came the devious cat. Not really, hungry, but his nature was pure. He just wanted to claw her and tear her apart.

Rested and healing from enormous trauma, listening hard, analyzing intently she knew the exact perfect moment would come soon. When she felt the timing was right, she emerged from sanctuary and took flight. She stumbled a little, but with renewed strength she, began to rise above it all. Her broken wing although healed, was now a bit crooked. It forced her to fly cautiously and be more aware of the surroundings, this was starting over again.

The moral here is much different in my version than the original. In the original version, the cat ate the bird and the story ended there.

In my version, the bird becomes the survivor no longer the victim. She continues to fly free upon a broken wing, forever cautious of approaching storms, piles of bullshit and the predators.

Without my Medical Marijuana I feel myself drifting far back into the past. So I will discuss the past, get it off my chest as I toke on this bong. Now an outsider looking in, never to be caught again

To Be Continued; stop for a song if feel it is apropos:
Starting this one with a song: Willie Nelson, Angle flying to close to the ground

Without my Medical Marijuana I feel myself drifting to far back into the past. So I will discuss the past, get it off my chest as I toke on this bong. Now an outsider looking in, never to be caught again

From this morning before getting royally toasted:

Imagine if you will, your entire life form strapped to an action plane, attached by a chain, flying in a spiral around a central axis is the only path the plane can fly. Never free to soar over the shores like a bird in flight. Never realizing your own dreams or ambitions is stifling. Spinning the same circles of bullshit year after year, is exhausting, I lost eh energy to fight to preserve myself.

I can generally find that “little things” make a spark in my brain the most. Then I focus on them intently as the hours slip by. I try to create a dazzling graphic that can express the same idea, without words. Sometimes I can drift over into left field with a graphic and then have to save it, but creating it etched is into my brain, so I know I will come across something here, your words my friends, that will touch to go through my memory of files. It is very satisfying for me to join word and pictures that can depict the same meaning.

As we grow old, memories become lost and I think this has become a blessing. However, there are moments I have regrets and memories of the past cloud my day.

My biggest regret is the weakness within myself, when I loved another soul. I only looked for love in the wrong place once, which resulted in a very bad marriage and three children, who for the most part I would do anything to please. That did go well for me either. Living within the squalor, my first husband provided for me and his children resulted in a very dysfunctional environment for all of us.

Dazzle me with blinding brilliance, Bend my mind. ALTERNATIVELY, Baffle me with bullshit, Fuck with my head. Everyone expected the world from me, so they pushed at me. They steam rolled me through my childhood.

What prevents me from speaking the truth with a smile? Under their control, I was eager to please, emotionally constipated people who do not really give a shit. Rampant Personality Disorders Narcissists, Sociopaths, Hoarders, Thieves, Liars, and Hypocrites.

How many narcissists does it take to change a light bulb? (a) Just one -- but he has to wait for the whole world to revolve around him first.

Personality Disorders are defined by experiences and behaviors that differ from societal norms and expectations. The theory and diagnosis of personality disorders stem from prevailing cultural expectations, egotistical morons who care more about what can be seen on the outside, however never willing to look deep into their own soul for acceptance.

Inflexible, rigid, narrow minded. Paranoid people, unforgiving, and prone to angry or aggressive outbursts without justification because they perceive others as unfaithful, disloyal, condescending or deceitful. One needs only to Exam their behavior, they assume everyone has the same personality default that they do, that is why they are presumptuous and quick to accuse.

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorders. Compulsive personalities are conscientious and have high levels of ambition, but they also strive for perfection. Never satisfied with their achievements, people with compulsive personality disorder take on more and more responsibilities. They are reliable, dependable, orderly, and methodical, but their inflexibility often makes them incapable of adapting to changed circumstances. It is there way or the highway.

OMG give me some medication, what have I inherited from my dysfunctional ancestors. Much scarier how could I have bred into an entire clan of people displaying a completely new set of dysfunctional behaviors. For this, I have forgiven myself, as I was barely a teenager, when my first child was born, from a relationship with a much older babysitter, provided by my Father. It is unacceptable to me that a father could put is young daughter, in such a precarious situation. He was a full-blown Narcissist and his needs came first.

Analyzing the new family I had married into at age 15, after my first daughter was born, I saw similar unique qualities of dysfunction. Call me judgmental if you will. Believing in our heart that we Love someone, makes us stick around way too long in hopes that we can change them into nice people or that situations will change and make life less complicated. However, in reality they change who we should have been.

Judgmental people like to stick around, so that they can backbite others. An analytical person works hard at trying to sift through the bullshit, to get a proper perspective. Nevertheless, if it becomes too deep, escaping becomes very difficult.

I found a version of a story a long long time ago. It touched me and I had to rewrite for a creative writing class in college (back when we used typewriters, not computers). I began to keep a copy of it

I consider myself to be, a sensitive, gifted individual, who was tortured in her upbringing, by the depraved mythology of her family ancestry, and the hubris of oblivious people in positions of dominance. Parents are supposed to protect their children from harm, but what if they are the harm? I became one very brave individual who has escaped from Obscurity to tell her story.

My goal in sharing, my ridiculous and obnoxious life events, thus far, with you is that somewhere within these words if you can relate to any of it, do not be baffled by the bullshit for the sake for love. If love is blind then a bright light would be comforting, so be dazzled by brilliance and then maybe love will not let you down as it has done for me. You cannot get back one second wasted on a lost cause.

I tried to fit into their mold; it always became an uncomfortable restricting feeling. I make mistakes and do dumb things. There is no right or wrong way of living this wondrous journey called life.

They thought I was clueless as I did them.  Materialism, Reluctantly Clueless, and unforgiving individuals, who only ant to possess me, not love me. I am convinced that true love can only exist when two people can agree with what love is. There are so many different interpretations of what love should be. If we cannot agree on what love is, how would we expect to agree on anything else. The relationships become a constant battle for dominance.

After my son passed away, I was totally sucked back into my family. It was a time in my life when all emotion had been suck out of my heart and I could barely breathe. I was shuffled around like an abandoned dog.

The dangers of staying in a place that is an immoral realm lacking verbal communication, in a useless reflection, could not be quantified. Therefore, boredom overshadows sophistication with such dynamic analysis of a sequence of data. Confident that you may sit in judgment of your exploration will unavoidably result in having an effect on the affect on our own personality and mental health. Yes, it has taken decades to break those chains that bound me. I am free and I want you to also feel free to be yourself. Having a relationship, with a mother, father, sister, brother, marriage or lover, should never stagnate your creativity, mental and physical ability to function. It is enough to make you feel worthless, afraid and tapped.

When I left for the very last time, in 1996, I waited until I was about 500 miles down the Highway, to mail off postcards for each and every one of them. Each with the same wording. It was sarcasm of course.

Here is a synopsis of my postcard; I wanted to thank you all for everything you did for me and to me. It has made me the person I am now and gave me the courage to fly like an Eagle. As I look into my rear view mirror of this new adventure, I know I have taken many life lessons with me. Always remain who you are and I am on a journey to become myself. ♥GG

Friday, July 19, 2013

I WAS A DRUGGIE, My Dealers were Doctors

I Flushed Prescription Poisons down Toilet 
I WAS A DRUGGIE, My Dealers were Doctors 

NOW I AM FINDING FREEDOM from Prescription Medications that I have taken for more than 20 years--- counting down even less pills today, it has only been a month since I started Medical Marijuana Therapy: 

I No longer need Flexeril, Oxycotin, Percocet, or Klonopin, Trazadone.. for my serious Diseases 


An Horrific Violation of TrustProsecute Doctors for Patients’ Prescription Overdoses

Combined drug intoxication (CDI), also known as multiple drug intake (MDI) or lethal polydrug/polypharmacy intoxication, is an unnatural cause of human death. It is distinct in that it is due to the simultaneous use of multiple drugs, whether the drugs are prescriptionover-the-counterrecreational, or some other combination. 

In July 2008, the Associated Press and CNN reported on a medical study showing that over two decades, from 1983 to 2004, such deaths have soared. It has also become a prevalent risk for older patients. Elderly people are at the highest risk of CDI, due to having many age-related health problems requiring many medications

MY AILMENTS: What Is Spinal Stenosis? The spine, a row of 26 bones in your back, allows you to stand up straight and bend over. The spine also protects your spinal cord from being hurt. In people with spinal stenosis, the spine is narrowed in one or more of three parts: The only CURE is surgery.

As a result patients also have 
1. Spondylosis is a degenerative spinal disorder
2. Neuropathy from the pressure on the spinal cord which is a collection of disorders that occurs when nerves of the peripheral nervous system (the part of the nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord) are damaged. The condition is generally referred to as peripheral neuropathy, and it is most commonly due to damage to nerve axons. Neuropathy usually causes pain and numbness in the hands and feet. It can result from traumatic injuries.

I have lived both in the Midwest and on the West Coast. Actually I was bounced back and forth as a youth after my parents divorced and my mother headed out West from Missouri to California, with me in tow. I do not know what she was thinking, she was an immigrant, with a heavy German accent and no Job skills.

That experience taught me a lot, like if you are going to be homeless, starved, mal-nourished and neglected, it is easier out West rather than to deal with the weather in he Midwest.( not to mention the amount of insects that will suck your blood after dark)

I had an early onset of Arthritis in my 30's and this is usually seen in patients who had suffered severe malnutrition as a youngster. Don't think I did not need some therapy after that.

I mention this here because, early onset of osteoarthritis seen in patients with childhood malnutrition as well as teeth problems (Enamel hypoplasias generally form due to poor nutrition).. you can check out more Google #early onset of osteoarthritis.

Now in High Country Arizona, I will take the dry heat any day over the exhausting Humidity of the Midwest. They can keep the snow and ice too.

No more storms to predict, out West, because of sore joints from constant rise and fall of Barometric. It hardly ever rains here in AZ, but we do not go thirsty.

Believers typically cite a famous study conducted in Philadelphia in the '60s by researcher John Hollander. In the study, Hollander isolated several patients with arthritis in a sealed chamber and gradually adjusted the atmospheric conditions. He found some evidence that swelling and stiffness increased with a rise in humidity and a drop in barometric pressure.

Air pressure is the force exerted on you by the weight of tiny particles of air (air molecules). Although air molecules are invisible, they still have weight and take up space. Since there's a lot of "empty" space between air molecules, air can be compressed to fit in a smaller volume.

When it's compressed, air is said to be "under high pressure". Air at sea level is what we're used to, in fact, we're so used to it that we forget we're actually feeling air pressure all the time!

Weather forecasters measure air pressure with a barometer. Barometers are used to measure the current air pressure at a particular location in "inches of mercury" or in "millibars" (mb).

Researchers continue to be interested in looking at less direct potential connections between atmospheric conditions -- like temperature, barometric pressure, and humidity -- and painful conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and sinus or migraine headaches.

Lov'in Arizona, Lov'in Medical Marijuana. It will take the Midwest 10 more years to come up to speed with the rest of the US. It always has, in my experience anyway. 

The Bio Channel did a special called Meth in America. [ ]They go inside the very personal stories of the Meth crisis. Travel to some small Midwestern towns in Missouri that are ravaged by the meth epidemic. Includes a look at the entire community: from the wide range of addicts and their families, to the dealers, law enforcement officials, hospitals and pharmacies.

And those rednecks are Judging me for a LEGAL Prescribed Medical Marijuana. Well crap there is another story I will have to share with you sometime. Yep, little Italian Girl, goes California Hippie, Returns to Missouri and get knocked up by the much older Redneck Babysitter, her single, hot to trot, Daddy hired.

Now in my Autumn years, I can proudly say, I ditched the Mother, the Father and the Rednecks. Relied on myself, trotted myself back out West all Alone [but not lonely, big difference] Was the bravest thing I have ever done in my life.

Anyway Don't Judge me by my past I don't live there anymore.

Celebrity deaths due to CDI (or MDI)
Nick Adams, actor, from paraldehyde and promazine;
Bridgette Andersen, actress, from alcohol and multiple drugs;
Lester Bangs, music journalist, from diazepam and propoxyphene;
Tommy Bolin, guitarist for Deep Purple, from alcohol and prescription drugs and illegal drugs in combination;
Derek Boogaard, New York Rangers forward, from oxycodone and alcohol.
Casey Calvert, guitarist for Hawthorne Heights, from citalopram, clonazepam and hydrocodone;
Steve Clark of rock group Def Leppard from combining antidepressants, tranquilizers and alcohol;
Eric Douglas, actor/comedian, from alcohol, hydrocodone and temazepam;
Paul Gray, Slipknot bassist, from morphine and fentanyl
Jimi Hendrix, guitarist, from alcohol and barbiturates;
Whitney Houston, singer, from drinking alcohol beverages, alprazolam, diphenhydramine, cocaine, and cyclobenzaprine;
Elizabeth Ann Hulette aka Miss Elizabeth, pro westling manager, from alcohol, temazepam, oxycodone, hydrocodone and anabolic steroids;
Michael Jackson, singer, from the IV anesthetic propofol and other sedatives;
Anissa Jones, child actress, from cocaine, phencyclidine, methaqualone and secobarbital;
David Anthony Kennedy, son of Senator Robert Francis Kennedy, from cocaine, pethidine and thioridazine;
Rodney King from alcohol, and cocaine;
Heath Ledger, actor, from toxic combination of prescribed drugs;
Cory Monteith, actor, from heroin and alcohol;
Brittany Murphy, actress, from multiple prescription drugs;
Lani O'Grady, actress known from Eight is Enough, from hydrocodone and fluoxetine;
Johnny O'Keefe, singer, from combining several prescription drugs;
Dana Plato, actress, from carisoprodol and hydrocodone;
Elvis Presley, singer, had over 10 drugs in his system when he died. 
Edie Sedgwick, actress, from barbiturates and alcohol;
Freddy Soto, writer/actor/comedian, from fentanyl, alprazolam and alcohol;
Louie Spicolli, pro wrestler, from carisoprodol, alcohol, painkillers and lorazepam;
Anna Nicole Smith and 
Daniel Wayne Smith
Heath Ledger

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Just Art

I will try to catch up on some writing soon ♥GG
Doing some art work for my FB page

Expressing my inner Goddess
 Loving the freedom to choose my own course

Monday, July 15, 2013

I had a dream Today What a Day for a day Dream

I held my green Card as I rested out in my yard.

I had a dream Today Of my life I must turn a page
To write on my mind, I must leave this day and age

Friendships and loved ones of my past, 
Time is moving forward too fast

My thoughts are my own, It does not seem true,
Escaping their clutch, my mind feels brand new

A beautiful mind, was a sad thing to waste 
Folks behind me, for me had no Honor or Grace

I have become a different person much more fun,
It seems like my brain went from a walk to a run,

I had a dream for the future, not fearing the change,
I fear once I move on, this adventure I differently arrange

Held in the palm of my hand, New friends, a house, and a car,
To go to that from this, It just seems I have come so far.

Deep in my thoughts, I never want these feelings to stop, 
The more I struggle holding ground, I fear I may drop

The less I seem to last there, the less I seem to last here
In my life I moved on a lot, Happy again, I am not there.

I had a dream Today Of my life I must turn a page
To write on my mind, I must leave that day and age,

Share my work, but please do not remove credits
Rebel Cause (GanjaGoji) FB ©
GanjaGoji-SLP Graphics - © 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Being Judged A Rebel Cause

Alone; no feelings of  being lonely, Deep thoughts are hers only.
A gray old mother sits alone. Unloved, un-cherished and unknown.
No one understands the gift of life. until seen through another's eyes.
Along time passed to hear their voice. Life now her own, the inevitable choice.
Their judgments; no more would she take. In solitude she became awake.
Far removed from those in her past. The old woman found contentment at last.

She has forgiven all unkindness shown. The old mother voluntarily sits alone.

Solitude is a time that can be used for reflection, inner searching, growth, or enjoyment of some kind. Deep reading requires solitude, so does experiencing the beauty of nature. Artistic thinking and creativity usually do too.

Solitude suggests peacefulness branching from a state of inner richness. It is a means of enjoying the quiet and whatever it brings that is satisfying and from which we draw mental nourishment. It is something we cultivate. Solitude is refreshing; an opportunity to renew ourselves, it replenishes us.

Loneliness is a circumstance of feelings. Aloneness is a circumstance of being. We can be alone without feeling lonely. Our soul would have no rainbows. if our eyes have not shed tears. Loneliness is not a state of being,

Loneliness is marked by a sense of isolation. Solitude, on the other hand, is a state of being alone without being lonely and can lead to self-awareness.

Loneliness is a negative state, marked by a sense of isolation. One feels that something is missing. It is possible to be with people and still feel lonely. When you are standing in a crowd of people and feel lonely. —this is the most bitter form of loneliness

Solitude is the state of being alone without being lonely. It is a positive and constructive state of medley with oneself. Solitude is desirable, a state of being alone where you provide yourself magnificent and sufficient company.

Loneliness is harsh, punishment, a deficiency state, a state of discontent marked by a sense of estrangement, an awareness of excess aloneness.

Solitude is something you choose. Loneliness is imposed on you by others. Move forward in solitude, do not long for what has been left behind you, reflect on your future

Thus the inspiration for my New Cover Graphic.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Anxiety, Prejudice & another one bites the dust

July 12, 2013. I spent yesterday, totally depressed. i should have toked a little to help my mood but needed to wallow in it. sometimes wallowing in sorrow of how we are treated by others gives us a perspective on how to deal with a situation, at least it does for me.

I woke up in a fairly happy mood, was in the middle of creating some artwork for my Face book page and creating a group: 

Marijuana Art-Creative Juices by GanjaGoji

Medical Marijuana Patients United

One of my daughters from Missouri calls me every morning, which is nice to know someone cares. She is the only one left from my past that has not alienated me or died off. 

As I began to share what I had been doing with my time on this fine morning, she interrupted me and blurted out " I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR OR TALK ABOUT DOPE. OMG I was speechless. 

I argued the point that Marijuana is not DOPE, I have a legal prescription. Then I just shut up, I am of the belief that keeping it simple goes a lot farther than ranting. I say my piece and then shut up, because the next one to talk Looses. 

However my mind was Ranting, as I glanced over at my bong wanting desperately to hit that to calm down. I thought about what I should say;

Like hello young woman you have quite a shady past, your friends and your son are DOPERS. I always tell her "you are who you hang with". Your son' Baby MaMa is a Meth Tweeker and much much more. Ok stop the head banging... <~~ I did not say any of this

Not saying anything, the time of silence between us on the phone was becoming uncomfortable. I want to just hang up on her. I am being judged now by another daughter of mine, who are both hypocrites. 

She spoke first and I can not even tell you what she said, however it was an attempt to change the subject. Does she know how she just stabbed me in the heart. I think NOT.

She suggested that we hang up which I did abruptly. Now this is some serious bullshit to deal with. She knows of my relationship with her sister and she knows how hard it is to deal with the death of her brother. She also knows about my physical disabilities. 
Torn from my soul: 

I can not comprehend this attitude. If there is an Herb that can cure what is the problem, especially if it is LEGALLY PRESCRIBED.

I opted for an anti-anxiety medication, as my bony old fingers dug inside the prescription bottle for that little blue pill, I wanted to just break down and cry. Again I am being forced to make a choice. 

I have a new motto and put it on a graphic yesterday: I am not here to fit into your world, I am here to build my own world called: Survival

I watched some television and fell asleep because of the medication I took, a wasted day in my life allowing someone to take me down emotionally and mentally because of my choices. Maybe not a wasted day, but a stolen day. Make me choose you loose.

Woke up early this morning and hit Google for Medical Marijuana information. Many people are Bigots and not in tune with what is happening out here in the real world. I refuse to defend myself to my daughter she is over 40 years old, she can stay stuck in her bias attitude and loose me. Oh and by the way after our conversation she posted on her Facebook page "What a beautiful day" WTF

Her choice. If I can not be honest and carry on a conversation with her then I guess we do not talk any more. What would be the point. It is that simple for me and a situation I have dealt with many times in the past from loved ones. 

Here is what I came up with to defend myself for my choice to became a Medical Marijuana patient and put it all in one graphic:

18 Legal Medical Marijuana States PLUS:District of Columbia

  • 1. Alaska
  • 2. Arizona
  • 3. California
  • 4. Colorado
  • 5. Connecticut
  • 6. DC
  • 7. Delaware
  • 8. Hawaii
  • 9. Maine
  • 10. Massachusetts
  • 11. Michigan
  • 12. Montana
  • 13. Nevada
  • 14. New Jersey
  • 15. New Mexico
  • 16. Oregon
  • 17. Rhode Island
  • 18. Vermont
  • 19. Washington

Pending Legislation to Legalize Medical Marijuana

  • 1. Illinois
  • 2. Minnesota
  • 3. New Hampshire
  • 4. New York
  • 5. Ohio
  • 6. Pennsylvania
  • 7. Missouri

JUST CAME ACROSS THIS... Jobs for starving artists ... no drug tests! :) Read about it for free now. ... If you know an artist please share this with them. :). OR Stavia Magazine E-mail  <>